Map of Puerto Rican Municipalities, 2000

Census 2000 Data for Puerto Rico

Map of Population Density per Square Mile by Municipalities, 2000

Total Population Estimates for 2008 by Race and Ethnicity

Total Population of Puerto Rico by National Origins, 2006

Religiones y Sectas en Puerto Rico
Margarita Lozano Cruz (2007)

Popular Religion in Puerto Rico and the African Heritage
(Marcelino Canino Salgado, Puerto Rico Encyclopedia, February 2009)

Taking Religion Seriously:
New Perspectives on Religion in Puerto Rico

Anthony M. Stevens Arroyo (2006)

The Lutheran Church in Puerto Rico (ELCA)

Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod

La Congregacion Mita y El Pueblo de Amos
(December 2007)

Tosado Aviles ha muerto; profeta de
El Pueblo de Amos

(December 2007)

La Santeria:  una religion de adivinacion,
magia y sacrificio de animales

Donald T. Moore (2007)

Los Evangelicos en Puerto Rico desde el siglo XIX
Donald T. Moore (no date)

Explosion of New Independent Churches On the Island
(November 2005)

Pentecostal Expansion and Political Activism in Puerto Rico
Hector M. Martinez Ramirez (2005)

Praise the Lord and Pass a Budget
Mayra Montero (May 2006)

Santeria Religion in Puerto Rico
Dayana Viteri (2000)

Desarrollo de la dimension religiosa
del nacionalismo en Puerto Rico: 1898-1989

Samuel Silva Gotay (June 1999)

A review of Nelida Agosto Cintron's
Religion y cambio social en Puerto Rico: 1898-1940

by Reinaldo L. Roman (January 1998)

A Structuralist Analysis of Puerto Rican Santeria
Lily Diaz (1996)

Religion in Puerto Rico during the Great Depression

Religion in Puerto Rico Home Page

Links to Religion in Puerto Rico