Not Even the Dead are Safe in Caracas
Chris Kraul, 2007

Touched by the Holy Spirit:
The Pentecostalization of Venezuela
and the 1998 Presidential Election

Jensen Michael Grant, 2006

Bolivar's Red Reincarnation
Uwe Siemon-Netto, 2006

Analysis:  Bolivar Cult Divided on Chavez
Uwe Siemon-Netto, 2004

Evangelical Christianity moves the masses -
A report from Venezuela

Jose Orozco, 2004

Chavez' Image Taken Off Altars
Uwe Siemon-Netto, 2002

Calidoscopios de genero: cuerpo, masculinidad
y supervivencia en el espiritualismo venezolano

Francisco Ferrandiz, 2002

El culto a Maria Lionza en Venezuela:
tiempos, espacios, cuerpos

Francisco Ferrandiz, 1999

"Letting God govern": supernatural agency in
the Venezuelan Pentecostal approach to social change

David A. Smilde, 1998

Pentecostals and Evangelicals in Venezuela:
Consolidating Gains, Moving in New Directions

Brian Froehle, 1997
(Chapter 11 in Power, Politics and Pentecostals in Latin America,
edited by Edward L. Cleary and Hannah W. Stewart-Gambino)

Religion Directory for Venezuela

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